Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Two Worlds

It’s odd to think but I am actually part of two different crowds of people. You have the developers who are the workhorses of the video game industry. We all have this shared interest in solving problems and creating a fun experience. It’s a tightly knit community and everyone kind of understands the situation everyone else is in. A lot of us get pushed around by management and publishers so there is sort of camaraderie there. Everyone is interested in learning from everyone else. If you don’t believe me, look at that incredibly expensive conference they put on filled with like a hundred lectures and panels. That’s the Game Developers Conference for anyone who’s wondering.

And then there’s this other awesome group of people that I feel I am a part of. They’re the intersection set of gamers and penny arcade fans, with a fair amount of people extending out into the union as well. You see it every year at PAX, but I’ve never really felt a part of the community until PAX East 2010. The experience hasn’t really changed that much, but there is something about the fact that every year this group of friendly people comes together to celebrate being a gamer and/or a penny arcade fan. I just kind of finally realized that I was certainly a part of this thing.


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